Bommarito Mazda West County

Oct 27, 2023
Image via Shutterstock

Oil may not be a glamorous topic, but it’s something that our beloved vehicles can’t run without. Not sure how often you should treat your Mazda to this vital service? Head over to your Mazda dealer for some help getting on a schedule for your oil changes.

Get in the Rhythm of Changing Your Oil

For most Mazda vehicles, the magic number is every 5,000 to 7,500 miles or every six months, whichever comes first. However, this can vary based on your driving habits and the specific model of your Mazda. If you’re often in stop-and-go traffic, take lots of short trips, or have a turbocharged engine, you might need to swing by to change your oil more frequently. Don’t forget to take a peek at your owner’s manual to check specific recommendations.

Don’t Slack: The Consequences of Not Changing the Oil

Now, let’s talk about what happens if you play the waiting game. Oil is critical to your engine’s functioning. It lubricates parts, keeps things cool, and helps to keep the engine clean. Skip regular changes, and you’re looking at possible engine damage, decreased fuel efficiency, and potentially even a shorter lifespan for your vehicle. If worse comes to worst, you might even face a complete engine failure. There’s a pricey problem you definitely want to avoid.

When Is It Time for an Oil Change at the Mazda Dealer?

If you’ve lost track of how long it’s been since you changed your Mazda’s oil, don’t panic! There are some signs that can indicate it’s past time to show it some love.

Check Engine or Oil Light

This one’s a no-brainer. If your Mazda is flashing warning lights at you, it’s trying to tell you something. Don’t ignore it!

Dark Oil on the Dipstick

Take a moment to check your oil level and quality with the dipstick. If the oil is dark and gritty, it’s time for a change. If it’s just low but still a clear amber color, you may be able to top it off.

Engine Noise and Knocking

Healthy, fresh oil provides a protective buffer between engine parts. When the oil gets old and dirty, that buffer is less effective, and you might start to hear some unusual noises under the hood.

Oil Smell Inside the Car

If you start to smell oil inside your Mazda, it could be a sign of an oil leak, which is a clear signal it’s time to head to the service center.

Exhaust Smoke

A little translucent vapor is perfectly normal, but if your exhaust is trailing smoke, it could indicate an oil leak as well.

Regularly changing the oil in your Mazda is the secret ingredient to a long and happy life for your vehicle. Keep up with those regular visits to ensure your car stays in tip-top shape. Ready for fresh oil? Schedule a service appointment today at Bommarito Mazda West County and protect your engine.